Apache Usergrid 1.0.2 released
Apache Usergrid 1.0.2 is now officially released and available for DOWNLOAD HERE.
Here's the release announcement that was posted to the Usergrid dev mailing list last week:
Apache Usergrid (incubating) is a multi-tenant Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) stack for web and mobile applications, based on RESTful APIs. Usergrid consists of a Java-based web application that persists data to Apache Cassandra, an HTML5/JavaScript based management portal and a set of SDKs for JavaScript, iOS, Android, PHP, Java and more.
Usergrid 1.0.2 is a minor release with bug fixes and small improvements.
Bugs fixed
- S3 upload fails on OpenJDK and Java 8 (fixed by JClouds upgrade)
- Asset data deleted when connection to Asset deleted
- Portal stores app password as clear-text
- Cassandra key-space names are now configurable
Experimental new features
- ExportAdmins: a new tool to export Admin Users, credentials and organizations
- ImportAdmins: a new tool to import Admin Users, credentials and organizations
- Central SSO: Usergrid-Usergrid SSO via new /management/externaltoken end-point
Here's the full list of JIRA issues resolved:
The release is available at:
The tag used to create the release with is 1.0.2:
The release's Git commit ID is d52427b279306e19c163e89e9d5025760fc0b50a
The MD5 checksum of the release can be found at:
The signature of the release can be found at:
The GPG key used to sign the release are available at: