The Milestone 2 release of Turbine 4 has added support for dependency injection into modules and valves using annotations. This can simplify your code a lot. Consider a screen template thats uses some Turbine service:

protected void doBuildTemplate(RunData data, Context context)
    // Get service instance
    MyService myservice = (MyService) TurbineServices

    // do something

Looks a bit complicated, doesn't it? Now with Turbine annotations, you simply do

private MyService myservice;

protected void doBuildTemplate(RunData data, Context context)
    // do something

In addition to services, the annotations @TurbineConfiguration and @TurbineLoader inject instances of the
Turbine configuration or subsets of it and the Assembler loaders for a certain page, screen or action.

See the 

 for the documentation of these features.