The Apache OpenWebBeans team is proud to announce the release of Apache Meecrowave 1.2.3

Apache Meecrowave is a small server (only 9MB) fully based on Apache Tomcat9 and other JavaEE 8 technologies

    Apache Tomcat-9.0.10 (Servlets-4.0)
    Apache OpenWebBeans-2.0.6 (CDI-2.0)
    Apache Johnzon-1.1.8 (JSON-P-1.1 and JSON-B-1.0), and
    Apache CXF-3.2.5 (JAX-RS-2.1).

That means it is ideally suited for Microservices and standalone applications.

can be either started via a maven plugin (for ease of development),
programmatically as embedded server, bundled as application with your
business code or as runner to start up portable WAR or JAR applications.

The source distribution package can be downloaded from our mirrors:

Hashes can be found here

The binary artifacts are available on maven.central:

More info can be found at