Recently we added the facility to use the mappedName attribute from a @Stateful, @Stateless or @Singleton annotation to add a global JNDI name for your bean.

This is pretty simple to use, simply add the mapped name to your bean like so:

public class CalculatorImpl implements CalculatorRemote, CalculatorLocal {

	public int sum(int add1, int add2) {
		return add1+add2;

	public int multiply(int mul1, int mul2) {
		return mul1*mul2;

When this is deployed you will see:

Apache OpenEJB 3.1.1-SNAPSHOT    build: 20090425-09:05
INFO - openejb.home = /home/jgallimore/Sync/OpenEJB/src/openejb3/examples/simple-stateless
INFO - openejb.base = /home/jgallimore/Sync/OpenEJB/src/openejb3/examples/simple-stateless
INFO - Configuring Service(id=Default Security Service, type=SecurityService, provider-id=Default Security Service)
INFO - Configuring Service(id=Default Transaction Manager, type=TransactionManager, provider-id=Default Transaction Manager)
INFO - Found EjbModule in classpath: /home/jgallimore/Sync/OpenEJB/src/openejb3/examples/simple-stateless/target/classes
INFO - Beginning load: /home/jgallimore/Sync/OpenEJB/src/openejb3/examples/simple-stateless/target/classes
INFO - Configuring enterprise application: classpath.ear
INFO - Configuring Service(id=Default Stateless Container, type=Container, provider-id=Default Stateless Container)
INFO - Auto-creating a container for bean CalculatorImpl: Container(type=STATELESS, id=Default Stateless Container)
INFO - Enterprise application "classpath.ear" loaded.
INFO - Assembling app: classpath.ear
INFO - Jndi(name=CalculatorImplLocal) --> Ejb(deployment-id=CalculatorImpl)
INFO - Jndi(name=MyCalculatorBean) --> Ejb(deployment-id=CalculatorImpl)
INFO - Jndi(name=MyCalculatorBean) --> Ejb(deployment-id=CalculatorImpl)
INFO - Created Ejb(deployment-id=CalculatorImpl, ejb-name=CalculatorImpl, container=Default Stateless Container)
INFO - Deployed Application(path=classpath.ear)

You will now be able to lookup your bean by doing:

Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty (Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,"org.apache.openejb.client.LocalInitialContextFactory");

InitialContext initialContext = new InitialContext(properties);
Calculator calc = initialContext.lookup("MyCalculatorBean");

You might also be aware that with OpenEJB you can also specify how global JNDI names are assigned by the container (when you haven't specified a mappedName). You do this by setting a property with a template:

For example, setting the following system property (for an embedded OpenEJB instance in a unit test)

System.setProperty("openejb.jndiname.format", "{deploymentId}/{interfaceClass}");

Would result in these JNDI names:

INFO - Jndi(name=CalculatorImpl/org.superbiz.calculator.CalculatorLocal) --> Ejb(deployment-id=CalculatorImpl)
INFO - Jndi(name=CalculatorImpl/org.superbiz.calculator.CalculatorRemote) --> Ejb(deployment-id=CalculatorImpl)

You can see more details on these templates and the variables available at:

We can also use this template mechanism with the @Stateful/@Stateless/@Singleton mappedName attribute. So this code:

public class CalculatorImpl implements CalculatorRemote, CalculatorLocal {

	public int sum(int add1, int add2) {
		return add1+add2;

	public int multiply(int mul1, int mul2) {
		return mul1*mul2;


would yield the following JNDI names being set up:

INFO - Enterprise application "classpath.ear" loaded.
INFO - Assembling app: classpath.ear
INFO - Jndi(name=CalculatorImplLocal) --> Ejb(deployment-id=CalculatorImpl)
INFO - Jndi(name=CalculatorImpl/org.superbiz.calculator.CalculatorRemote) --> Ejb(deployment-id=CalculatorImpl)
INFO - Jndi(name=CalculatorImpl/org.superbiz.calculator.CalculatorRemote) --> Ejb(deployment-id=CalculatorImpl)