Our own Jonathan Gallimore presented "Apache TomEE – Java EE Web Profile on Tomcat" at JAX London this last week. It was a 50 minute presentation with a mix of slides and demos, met by a very enthusiastic band of Tomcat lovers.

Slides can be found here. Also, check out some photos of Jon in action! You'd probably never guess it's only his second time presenting and first time presenting solo! He makes us quite proud, indeed.

We'd like to give a special thanks to JAX London for their wonderful support of Apache TomEE. TomEE debuted at JAX London Spring 2011. At that point we had just started to heavily peruse certification. We were honored to be able to come back to our friends at JAX London in the fall and say, "we made it!"

Hats off to JAX for being the kind of conference that seeks out and supports growing projects like Apache TomEE. Aside from ApacheCon, JAX is Apache TomEE's second home.

See also this interview with David Blevins on JAXEnter, Be Small, Be Certified, Be Tomcat.