Apache OpenEJB 3.1.2 has been released! This release is a short 4 months after our prior 3.1.1 release and is largely focused on bug fixes and small improvements with a couple new features. Scanning support for JSF 2.0 ManagedBeans allows for a nice OpenEJB/Tomcat/Mojarra stack. Database passwords listed in the openejb.xml can now be encrypted using our new 'cipher' command line tool. Focus areas of improvements/fixes include @LocalClient support, remote client disconnections and connection caching, AltDD support, Stateful bean caching, and additional JNDI name formatting options.

The next release, 3.1.3, will likely contain more significant changes. A major CXF upgrade is planned which should bring with it new Web Services features. Exciting new testing techniques are in the works. As well third-party descriptor support is being expanded. Stay tuned to the project blog for details on these developments and more!