Apache Maven Wagon 3.3.2 Released
The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of
Apache Maven Wagon 3.3.2.
Apache Maven Wagon is a transport abstraction that is used in Mavens
artifact and repository handling code.
You can download the appropriate sources etc. from the download page.
Release Notes – Maven Wagon – Version 3.3.2
- WAGON-545 – Connection reset while downloading artifacts in cloud environment (Azure)
- WAGON-546 – HttpWagon TTL not set
- WAGON-554 – Tests with checkin rely on global Git config
- WAGON-552 – Replace Commons Codec with Plexus Utils
- WAGON-555 – Use java.nio.file.Path for URI construction of file:// URIs in tests
- WAGON-556 – Skip parsing of user info for file:// URLs
Dependency upgrades:
- WAGON-547 – Upgrade HttpCore to 4.4.11
- WAGON-548 – Upgrade HttpClient to 4.5.7
- WAGON-549 – Upgrade Commons Net to 3.6
- WAGON-550 – Upgrade JSoup to 1.11.3
- WAGON-551 – Uprade JSch to 0.1.55
- WAGON-553 – Upgrade Plexus Classworlds to 2.6.0
- The Apache Maven team