We're pleased to announce the availability of Apache JSPWiki version 2.10.4. Following are the notable changes included in this release.

Improvements to the Haddock template

Haddock is JSPWiki's next generation template. Building on the huge number of new features shipped in 2.10.3, changes in 2.10.4 include a floating editing toolbar (JSPWIKI-1058). This is especially useful when editing long pages, as the toolbar is always visible without having to scroll to the top of the page:

JSPWiki floating editor toolbar

Work is also continuing to improve support for mobile devices (JSPWIKI-835), and a new favicon has been added.

Fixes for ACLs

  • JSPWIKI-1039 – ACLs are not taken into account when cache is disabled
  • JSPWIKI-1047 – Access Control Lists do not work if page cache is deactivated
  • JSPWIKI-1067 – View-only ACLs are not enforced

Other fixes

JSPWiki 2.10.4 corrects German language translation errors, and a rendering cache fix.

For more information

For a full list of changes see the ChangeLog file or our issue tracker.

The release is available for download at:

JSPWiki Maven artifacts are available under org.apache.jspwiki groupId, version 2.10.4

All JSPWiki site administrators are encouraged to update. To get involved, visit the project website at http://jspwiki.apache.org. For feedback, help, and developer queries please visit us on the mailing lists.