The Apache James project is happy to announce the release
of version 3.0-beta3 of its modular mail server.

We thank all Users for their feedback and tests and we encourage anyone to

and discover this beta 3 release.

If you're interested in contributing to the James project, please subscribe to the James
mailing lists.

        * What's new in 3.0-beta3 for end users
          - Numerous IMAP bug fixes (better client support, memory improvement, NIO and IO support...)
          - Support for IMAP IDLE (RFC 2177, server transmit updates to the client in real time)
          - Support for IMAP User Flags
          - Support for IMAP WITHIN Extensions (RFC 5032)
          - Mailbox Tooling to copy from a persistence implementation to another implementation
          - Telnet Management has been removed in favor of JMX with client shell
          - More metrics counters available via JMX
          - Better debug logging on protocols
          - JPA validated against more databases (among others Oracle)
          - Multiple address and port configurations per protocol
          - POP3 is now operational (was buggy in 3.0-M2)
          - Upgrade tool from James 2.3 is available
          - Better logging on protocols with adjustable level
          - Full mailet package must be specified
          - Composite Matchers
          - Better debug logging on protocols
          - Mailing list functionality has been removed
          - More documentation on web site for configuration,...
          - Java 1.6 mandatory
          - ... and much more, see details on
        * What's new in 3.0-beta3 for developers
          - Less maven modules
          - Maven 3.0.2 required to build
          - Upgrade to latest frameworks versions (netty, activemq, jackrabbit...)
          - Code reports generation via 'mvn site -P site-reports' maven profile
          - Corrections further to findbugs,... reports
          - Code formatting
          - ... and much more, see details on
        * Quick Start