by Toshihiro Suzuki, HBase Committer

hbtop is a real-time monitoring tool for HBase modeled after Unix's _top_ command. It can display summary information as well as metrics per Region/Namespace/Table/RegionServer. With this tool, you can see metrics sorted by a selected field and filter the metrics to see only metrics you are interested in. Also, with the drill-down feature, you dig in on hot-spotting Regions.

hbtop ( is available in the coming hbase 2.1.7, 2.2.2, and 2.3.0 releases and is being actively backported to branch-1.

Run hbtop with the following command:

$ hbase hbtop

In this case, the values of hbase.client.zookeeper.quorum and zookeeper.znode.parent in hbase-site.xml in the classpath or their default values are used to connect. Or, specify your own zookeeper quorum and znode parent as follows:

$ hbase hbtop -Dhbase.client.zookeeper.quorum= -Dzookeeper.znode.parent=

Run hbtop and you'll see something like the following:

Top screen

The top screen consists of a summary and metrics section. In the summary section, you can see HBase Version, Cluster ID, The number of region servers, Region count, Average Cluster Load and Aggregated Request/s. In the metrics portion, you can see metrics per Region/Namespace/Table/RegionServer depending on the selected mode. The top screen is refreshed on a period – 3 seconds by default.

You can scroll the metric records in the metrics section.

Scrolling metric records

Command line arguments

Argument Description
-d,--delay The refresh delay (in seconds); default is 3 seconds
-h,--help Print usage; for help while the tool is running press h key

The mode n (Namespace)|t (Table)|r (Region)|s (RegionServer), default is r (Region) Mode

You can change mode by pressing the m key in the top screen.

Changing mode

Change the refresh rate by pressing d key in the top screen.

Changing the refresh delay

You can change the field screen by pressing f key in the top screen. In the fields screen, you can change the displayed fields by choosing a field and pressing d key or space key.

Changing the displayed fields

You can move to the fields screen by pressing f key in the top screen. In the field screen, you can change the sort field by choosing a field and pressing s key. Also, you can change the sort order (ascending or descending) by pressing R key.

Changing the sort field

You can move to the fields screen by pressing f key in the top screen. In the field screen, you can change the order of the fields.

Changing the order of the fields


You can filter the metric records with the filter feature. We can add filters by pressing o key for ignoring case or O key for case sensitive.

Adding filters

The syntax is as follows:

For example, we can add filters like the following:


The operators you can specify are as follows:

Operator Description
= Partial match
== Exact match
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equal to
< Less than
<= Less than and equal to

You can see the current filters by pressing ^o key and clear them by pressing = key.

Showing and clearing filters

Drilling down

You can drill down on a metric record by pressing i key in the top screen. With this feature, you can find hot regions easily in a top-down manner.

Drilling down

Help screen

You can see the help screen by pressing h key in the top screen.

Help screen

How hbtop gets the metrics data

hbtop gets the metrics from ClusterMetrics which is returned as the result of a call to Admin#getClusterMetrics() on the current HMaster. To add metrics to hbtop, they will need to be exposed via ClusterMetrics.

Feedback, bugs, and enhancements are all welcome!

The Reference Guide - hbtop: