We've had quite a productive week! Here's what happened within the Apache community:
ASF Board –the ASF Board is responsible for management and oversight of the business and affairs of the corporation in accordance with the Foundation's Bylaws.
 - Next Board Meeting: 16 March 2016. Board calendar and minutes available at http://apache.org/foundation/board/calendar.html

ASF Infrastructure –our distributed team on four continents keeps the ASF's infrastructure running around the clock.
 - 6M+ weekly checks yields ongoing "three nines" performance at 99.92% uptime http://status.apache.org/

ApacheCon™ –the official conference series of The Apache Software Foundation. Apache:Big Data + ApacheCon North America - Vancouver will take place 9-13 May 2016 http://apachecon.com/ --Early Registration ends 4 March.
 - How Apache Travel Assistance helped me get to ApacheCon http://www.apache.org/travel/stories/
 - Travel Assistance applications close 2 March http://www.apache.org/travel/

Apache Accumulo™ –sorted, distributed key/value store is a robust, scalable, high performance data storage system that features cell-based access control and customizable server-side processing.
 - Apache Accumulo released http://accumulo.apache.org/downloads/

Apache Arrow™ –Open Source Big Data in-memory columnar layer.
 - The Apache® Software Foundation Announces Apache Arrow™ as a Top-Level Project https://s.apache.org/5Mc8

Apache Bigtop™ –a project for the development of packaging and tests of the Apache Hadoop ecosystem.
 - Apache Bigtop 1.1.0 release http://www.apache.org/dist/bigtop/bigtop-1.1.0/repos/

Apache Curator™ –keeper/custodian of Apache Zookeeper.
 - Apache Curator 2.10.0 and 3.1.0 released http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/curator/

Apache Hive™ –data warehouse software built atop Apache Hadoop facilitates querying and managing large datasets residing in distributed storage.
 - Apache Hive 2.0.0 released https://hive.apache.org/downloads.html
 - CVE-2015-7521: Apache Hive authorization bug disclosure (update) http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/www-announce/201602.mbox/%3C20160218012659.A394618DA6%40minotaur.apache.org%3E

Apache Jackrabbit™ Oak –a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class Web sites and other demanding content applications.
 - Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.2.11 released http://jackrabbit.apache.org/downloads.html

Apache MINA™ –a network application framework which helps users develop high performance and high scalability network applications easily by providing an abstract, event-driven, asynchronous API over various transports such as TCP/IP and UDP/IP vis Java NIO.
 - Apache MINA 2.0.13 released http://mina.apache.org/downloads.html

Apache NiFi™ –an easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and distribute data.
 - Apache NiFi 0.5.0 released http://nifi.apache.org/download.html

Apache Qpid™ Proton –an AMQP 1.0 messaging library.
 - Apache Qpid Proton 0.12.0 released http://qpid.apache.org/download.html

Apache SystemML (incubating) –provides declarative large-scale machine learning (ML) that aims at flexible specification of ML algorithms and automatic generation of hybrid runtime plans ranging from single-node, in-memory computations, to distributed computations on Apache Hadoop MapReduce and Apache Spark.
 - Apache SystemML 0.9.0-incubating released http://systemml.apache.org/

Apache Tika™ –a toolkit for detecting and extracting metadata and structured text content from various documents using existing parser libraries.
 - Apache Tika 1.12 released http://tika.apache.org/

Apache Tomcat™ –a Web server that is an Open Source software implementation of the Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Expression Language and Java WebSocket technologies.
 - Apache Tomcat 6.0.45 and 7.0.68 released http://tomcat.apache.org/download-60.cgi and http://tomcat.apache.org/download-70.cgi

Apache UIMA™ Ruta (Rule-based Text Annotation) –a rule-based script language supported by Eclipse-based tooling.
 - Apache UIMA Ruta 2.4.0 released http://uima.apache.org/ruta.html

Apache Wicket™ –an Open Source Java component oriented Web application framework.
 - Wicket 6.22.0 and 7.2.0 released http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/wicket/6.22.0 and http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/wicket/7.2.0

Did You Know?

 - Did you know that the Apache Community Development Help Wanted site allows interested parties to find out how they can participate with Apache projects and activities? https://helpwanted.apache.org/

 - Did you know that Java creator James Gosling proclaimed that Apache "Zookeeper is just wonderful...I love Zookeeper"? https://s.apache.org/txVW

 - Did you know that gravitational waves can be analyzed with Apache Drill? http://drill.apache.org/

Apache Community Notices:

 - The list of Apache project-related MeetUps can be found at http://apache.org/events/meetups.html

 - The next CloudStack European User Group will be held 3 March 2016 in London https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cloudstack-european-user-group-tickets-19726408218

 - Apache:Big Data North America will take place 9-12 May 2016 in Vancouver http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/apache-big-data-north-america

 - ApacheCon:Core North America will take place 11-13 May 2016 in Vancouver http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/apachecon-north-america/

 - The next HBaseCon will take place 24 May in San Francisco --CFP and Early Bird Registration now open http://hbasecon.com

 - MesosCon will be held 1-2 June 2016 in Denver --CFP open through 9 March http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/mesoscon/

 - The ASF Operations Summary: Second Quarter, Fiscal Year 2016 (August-October 2015) is available at http://s.apache.org/M0R

 - Are your software solutions Powered by Apache? Download & use our "Powered By" logos http://www.apache.org/foundation/press/kit/#poweredby
 - Show your support for Apache with ASF-approved swag from http://www.zazzle.com/featherwear and http://s.apache.org/landsend --all proceeds benefit the ASF! 
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For real-time updates, sign up for Apache-related news by sending mail to announce-subscribe@apache.org and follow @TheASF on Twitter. For a broader spectrum from the Apache community, https://twitter.com/PlanetApache provides an aggregate of Project activities as well as the personal blogs and tweets of select ASF Committers.

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