Happy November! We're mid-way through the last quarter of the calendar year with the latest activities from the Apache Community:

ASF Board –the ASF Board is responsible for management and oversight of the business and affairs of the corporation in accordance with the Foundation's Bylaws.
 - Next Board Meeting: 18 November. Board calendar and minutes available at http://apache.org/foundation/board/calendar.html

ASF Infrastructure –our distributed team on four continents keeps the ASF's infrastructure running around the clock.
 - 6M weekly checks yielded a sterling 99.82% uptime over the past week http://status.apache.org/ Check against established SLAs http://status.apache.org/sla/

Apache Apex (incubating) –an enterprise grade native YARN big data-in-motion platform that unifies stream processing as well as batch processing.
 - Apache Apex Core 3.2.0-incubating released http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.lua/incubator/apex/v3.2.0-incubating/apex-3.2.0-incubating-source-release.tar.gz

Apache Curator™ –Java libraries that make using Apache ZooKeeper much easier and more reliable.
 - Apache Curator 2.9.1 released http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/curator/

Apache HttpComponents™ –a set of low level HTTP transport components that can be used to build custom client and server side HTTP services with a minimal footprint.
 - HttpComponents Core 4.4.4 GA released http://hc.apache.org/downloads.cgi

Apache Jackrabbit™ –a fully compliant implementation of the Content Repository for Java(TM) Technology API, version 2.0 (JCR 2.0) as specified in the Java Specification Request 283 (JSR 283).
 - Apache Jackrabbit 2.11.2 and Jackrabbit Oak 1.0.23 released http://jackrabbit.apache.org/downloads.html

Apache Slider (incubating) – a YARN application that deploys existing distributed applications on YARN, monitors them, and makes them larger or smaller as desired - even while the application is running.
 - Apache Slider 0.81.1-incubating http://www.apache.org/dyn/closer.cgi/incubator/slider/0.81.1-incubating/

Apache Storm™ –a distributed, fault-tolerant, and high-performance realtime computation system that provides strong guarantees on the processing of data.
 - Apache Storm 0.9.6 and 0.10.0 released http://storm.apache.org/downloads.html

Did You Know?

 - Did you know that the number of downloads for Groovy have doubled since the project has entered the Apache Incubator? http://incubator.apache.org/projects/groovy.html

 - Did you know that BonusCard, Energie-Saarlorlux, Norton Antivirus, Opel, and songtexte.com use Apache Wicket? http://wicket.apache.org/

 - Did you know that The SETI Institute uses Apache Parquet and Spark for significant Big Data optimization? http://parquet.apache.org/ & http://spark.apache.org/

Apache Community Notices:

 - The list of Apache project-related MeetUps can be found at http://apache.org/events/meetups.html

 - The Bay Area Apache Aurora Users Group will meet 10 November in Palo Alto http://www.meetup.com/Bay-Area-Apache-Aurora-Users-Group/events/225412389/

 - Apache CloudStack will hold a MeetUp in London on 12 November http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/cloudstack-european-user-group-tickets-18631038939?aff=es2

 - The ASF will be at FOSDEM 2016 in Brussels 30-31 January 2016 https://fosdem.org/

 - The ASF Operations Summary: First Quarter, Fiscal Year 2016 (May-July 2015) is available at http://s.apache.org/c2P

 - Are your software solutions Powered by Apache? Download & use our "Powered By" logos http://www.apache.org/foundation/press/kit/#poweredby
 - Show your support for Apache with ASF-approved swag from http://www.zazzle.com/featherwear and http://s.apache.org/landsend --all proceeds benefit the ASF! 
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For real-time updates, sign up for Apache-related news by sending mail to announce-subscribe@apache.org and follow @TheASF on Twitter. For a broader spectrum from the Apache community, https://twitter.com/PlanetApache provides an aggregate of Project activities as well as the personal blogs and tweets of select ASF Committers.
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