The Apache News Round-up: week ending 27 February 2015
ApacheCon™ –the official conference series of The Apache Software Foundation.
- The ApacheCon program is now available; Early Bird registration ends 28 February
ASF Infrastructure –our distributed team on four continents keeps the ASF's infrastructure running 24x7x365.
- Global uptime across all Apache services is a stellar 99.73%
- Notice of server maintenance policy change
ASF Security –a team comprising ASF Members dedicated to helping and advising Apache projects on security issues, as well as co-ordinating the handling of security vulnerabilities.
- [IMPORTANT] Security Notice: CVE-2015-0254 XXE and RCE via XSL extension in JSTL XML tags
Apache Allura™ –Open Source implementation of a software "forge", a web site that manages source code repositories, bug reports, discussions, wiki pages, blogs and more for any number of individual projects.
- Apache Allura 1.2.1 released
Apache Commons™ DBCP –Open Source software library implements database connection pooling.
- Apache Commons DBCP 2.1 released
Apache HBase™ –Open Source, distributed Big Data store for Apache Hadoop.
- The Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache™ HBase™ v1.0
Apache Log4j™ –well known framework for logging application behavior.
- Apache Log4j 2.2 released
Apache Lucene™ –a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written entirely in Java.
- Apache Lucene 5.0.0 released
Apache MRQL (Incubating) –query processing and optimization system for large-scale, distributed data analysis, built on top of Apache Hadoop, Hama, Spark, and Flink.
- Apache MRQL 0.9.4-incubating released
Apache Openmeetings™ –video conferencing, instant messaging, white board, collaborative document editing and other groupware tools using API functions of the Red5 Streaming Server for Remoting and Streaming.
- Apache Openmeetings 3.0.4 released
Apache Parquet (Incubating) –the common definition of Parquet column-oriented file format for Apache Hadoop.
- Apache Parquet Format 2.3.0 (Incubating) released (first release of Parquet Format with org.apache.parquet artifacts and package names)
Apache Solr™ –popular, blazing fast, Open Source NoSQL search platform from the Apache Lucene project.
- Apache Solr 5.0.0 and Reference Guide for Solr 5.0
Apache Sqoop™ –a tool designed for efficiently transferring bulk data between Apache Hadoop and structured datastores, such as relational databases.
- Apache Sqoop 1.99.5 released
Apache Maven™ –a project development management and comprehension tool.
- Apache Source Release Assembly Descriptor 1.0.5 Released
Apache Tomcat™ –Open Source software implementation of the Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages, Java Unified Expression Language and Java WebSocket technologies.
- Apache Tomcat 8.0.20 released
- Apache Tomcat Apache Standard Taglib 1.2.3 released
- HBaseCon, the fourth annual event for the Apache HBase contributor/developer/admin/user community, will take place 7 May in San Francisco
- The next Apache Mesos User Group MeetUp will take place 25 March in London
- The Apache Marmotta community are being proactive and beginning to collect ideas for Google Summer of Code 2015
- The next Berlin Buzzwords conference will feature Apache projects such as Lucene, Spark, Solr and Cassandra and will take place 31 May-3 June in Berlin