The Apache Weekly News Round-up: week ending 11 March 2022
Hello, everyone --let's review the Apache community's activities from over the past week:
ASF Board – management and oversight of the business affairs of the corporation in accordance with the Foundation's bylaws.
- Next Board Meeting: 16 March 2022. Running Board calendar and minutes are available.
ASF Infrastructure – our distributed team on three continents keeps the ASF's infrastructure running around the clock.
- 7M+ weekly checks yield uptime at 100.00%. Performance checks across 50 different service components spread over more than 250 machines in data centers around the world. View the ASF's Infrastructure Uptime site to see the most recent averages.
Apache Code Snapshot – Over the past week, 336 Apache Committers changed 4,769,139 lines of code over 3,697 commits. Top 5 contributors, in order, are: Jean-Baptiste Onofré, Otavio R. Piske, Gary Gregory, Andrea Cosentino, and Andi Huber.
Apache Project Announcements – the latest updates by category.
Big Data --
- CVE-2021-38296: Apache Spark: Key Negotiation Vulnerability
Content --
- Apache Any23 2.7 released
-- CVE-2022-25312: An XML external entity (XXE) injection vulnerability exists in the RDFa XSLTStylesheet extractor
- Apache Jackrabbit 2.20.5 released
Cloud Computing --
- Apache CloudStack LTS released
Database --
- Apache ZooKeeper 3.8.0 released
- Apache Geode 1.12.9 released
IDE --
- Apache NetBeans 13 released
IoT --
- Apache IoTDB 0.12.5 released
Libraries --
- Apache Olingo 4.9.0 released
Mail --
- Apache James 3.7.0 released
Orchestration --
- Apache Hop 1.2.0 released
Did You Know?
- Did you know that the next Apache Druid MeetUp will be held both online and in-person in Tel Aviv on 29 March?
- Did you know that Apache ShardingSphere SQL Parse Format Function allows
you to easily understand and automatically format complicated SQL
- Did you know that the next Apache Airflow Community Meetup will be held
on 16 March? Sign up to learn about Data Migration Pipeline with Apache
Apache Community Notices
- Apache in 2021 - By The Digits + Video highlights
- Watch "Trillions and Trillions Served", the documentary on the ASF 1) full feature [49 min] 2) "Apache Everywhere" [6 min] 3) "Why Apache" [2.5 min] 4) “Apache Innovation” [40 min]
- ASF Annual Report: FY2021 -- Press release and Report (PDF)
- The Apache Way to Sustainable Open Source Success
- Foundation Reports and Statements
- Presentations from 2021's ApacheCon Asia and ApacheCon@Home are available on the ASF YouTube channel.
- "Success at Apache" focuses on the people and processes behind why the ASF "just works."
- Follow the ASF on social media: @TheASF on Twitter and The ASF page LinkedIn.
- Follow the Apache Community on Facebook and Twitter.
Stay updated about The ASF
For real-time updates, sign up for Apache-related news by sending mail to and follow @TheASF on Twitter. For a broader spectrum from the Apache community, Planet Apache provides an aggregate of Project activities as well as the personal blogs and tweets of select ASF Committers.