Open Source microservices framework in use at CeeWa Intelligent Technology, Huawei Cloud, iSoftStone, itcast, MedSci Medicine, Pactera, PICC, Tongji University, among others.

Wakefield, MA —24 October 2018— The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), the all-volunteer developers, stewards, and incubators of more than 350 Open Source projects and initiatives, announced today Apache® ServiceComb™ as a Top-Level Project (TLP).
Apache ServiceComb is an Open Source microservices software framework that enables developers to easily build and manage microservices-based applications efficiently and conveniently. The project was originally developed at Huawei and was donated to the Apache Incubator in November 2017.
"We are very proud that ServiceComb has arrived at this important milestone," said Willem Jiang, Vice President of Apache ServiceComb. “ServiceComb has evolved from a microservices software development kit to a full microservices solution in less than a year. While incubating in Apache, the number of ServiceComb users grew rapidly, and new developers are constantly coming in. It is amazing to grow at such a high rate."
As a one-stop microservices solution, Apache ServiceComb contains 3 sub-projects:
  1. Java-Chassis - an out-of-the-box Java microservices SDK that includes four parts: service contract, programming model, running model and communication model, with a complete set of microservices governance abilities such as load balancing, fallback, rate limiting, and call stack tracing. Microservices governance and business logic are isolated.
  2. Service-Center - a high-performance, highly available, stateless Golang implementation of the Service Discovery and Registration Center based on Etcd, which provides real-time service instance registration, real-time service instance notification, and inter-service testing based on contract.
  3. Saga - provides an eventual consistency solution for distributed transactions which could be a pain point of microservices.
Apache ServiceComb's highlights include:
  • Asynchronous kernel - both synchronous and asynchronous programming models based on VertX effectively ensures high performance and low latency, both in traditional enterprise applications or in emerging businesses such as e-commerce, Internet, and IoT, to avoid avalanche effect when reaching peak loads.
  • Out-of-the-box experience - developers using the scaffolding website, can launch microservices-based projects with integrated service registration, discovery, communication and microservices governance capabilities, and centralized configuration by default.
  • Open API - automatic code generation and isolating logic code from governance streamlines the DevOps pipeline, enabling different teams to efficiently and independently develop and manage code, test, and document using bidirectional contract files and OpenAPI.
Apache ServiceComb is in use at dozens of organizations, including CeeWa Intelligent Technology, Huawei Cloud, iSoftStone, itcast, MedSci Medicine, Pactera, PICC, and Tongji University, among others.
"In 2015, Huawei Cloud launched microservices-related services, and this is the original code base of ServiceComb," said Liao Zhenqin, General Manager of Huawei Cloud PaaS Product Department. "Apache ServiceComb is the core of Huawei Cloud microservices engine CSE. It is the defacto standard at Huawei, and is widely used on many major products, including Huawei Consumer Cloud, Huawei Cloud Core, Huawei EI, among others. We are very happy to see ServiceComb's rapid progress at in the Apache Incubator, and encourage more engineers to continue to accept and contribute to Open Source by becoming a part of the Apache Software Foundation volunteer community."
Huawei Consumer Cloud depends on Apache ServiceComb's high performance, low latency, and asynchronous technology to implement a 1,500+ node scale microservices that supports 400 million online mobile phone users. Using ServiceComb, the queries-per-second more than doubled, while reducing latency by 45%.

"We use Apache ServiceComb to build our 'intelligent brain' for drone control. ServiceComb is an out-of-the-box microservices solution, which provides the microservices governance abilities without any coding," said Zhou Sujian,  Chief Architect of CeeWa Intelligent Technology. "Compared with using or implementing a traditional RPC framework, a lot of development resources are saved. With ServiceComb, both the team development and the node deployment efficiency are doubled, which are very exciting. We are also very happy to see ServiceCombs work on integrating Open Source distributed tracing systems such as Apache Zipkin, Apache SkyWalking and Prometheus, which greatly improved our cross-node chain tracing ability, and the team's efficiency to locate and solve problems."

"As microservices architecture is not a single-point technical issue, we need to response the rapid change of technology, organization, and processes flow," said Bao Yongwei, Vice President of Product Engineering Center at iSoftstone Smart City Technology. "Apache ServiceComb Java-Chassis does a good job, its core is implemented entirely on service contract which is based on OpenAPI that can help us automatically generate service skeleton code. This allows our teams to smoothly integrate our Smart City business system into microservices. We are very happy to see that our employees actively participate in the ServiceComb project and learned the Apache Way of open development with the Apache community. Apache ServiceComb is a star project, we strongly believe that participating in the ServiceComb community will help improve our software engineers' abilities."
"Apache ServiceComb has a solid community and a comprehensive technology background. The project's commitment to making it easier for enterprises to embrace microservices and cloud computing is impressive," said Yu Yang, Dean of itcast Institute. "Itcast selected ServiceComb as a microservices technology teaching material for education and training based on its good concepts on microservices design, excellent technical practice and perfect community documentation."

"Graduating as an Apache Top-Level Project demonstrates that all contributors have a place with Apache ServiceComb, whether they were part of the project before it arrived at the Apache Incubator or joined the community during the incubation process," added Jiang. "It is a pleasure to collaborate with volunteers in this open, equal, and diverse environment. We welcome new ServiceComb contributors to help with code development,  evangelizing on innovations in microservices, promoting community development 'the Apache Way', and other ways of participating."

Availability and Oversight
Apache ServiceComb software is released under the Apache License v2.0 and is overseen by a self-selected team of active contributors to the project. A Project Management Committee (PMC) guides the Project's day-to-day operations, including community development and product releases. For downloads, documentation, and ways to become involved with Apache ServiceComb, visit and
About The Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
Established in 1999, the all-volunteer Foundation oversees more than 350 leading Open Source projects, including Apache HTTP Server --the world's most popular Web server software. Through the ASF's meritocratic process known as "The Apache Way," more than 730 individual Members and 6,800 Committers across six continents successfully collaborate to develop freely available enterprise-grade software, benefiting millions of users worldwide: thousands of software solutions are distributed under the Apache License; and the community actively participates in ASF mailing lists, mentoring initiatives, and ApacheCon, the Foundation's official user conference, trainings, and expo. The ASF is a US 501(c)(3) charitable organization, funded by individual donations and corporate sponsors including Aetna, Anonymous, ARM, Bloomberg, Budget Direct, Capital One, Cerner, Cloudera, Comcast, Facebook, Google, Handshake, Hortonworks, Huawei, IBM, Indeed, Inspur, LeaseWeb, Microsoft, Oath, ODPi, Pineapple Fund, Pivotal, Private Internet Access, Red Hat, Target, and Union Investment. For more information, visit and
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