Happy Friday! Let's review what the Apache community has been working on over the past week:
Success at Apache –the monthly blog series that focuses on the processes behind why the ASF "just works".
 - Lowering Barriers to Open Innovation by Luke Han https://s.apache.org/dAlg

ASF Board –management and oversight of the business affairs of the corporation in accordance with the Foundation's bylaws.
 - Next Board Meeting: 20 September. Board calendar and minutes http://apache.org/foundation/board/calendar.html
 - ASF Quarterly Report: Operations Summary Q1 FY2018 https://s.apache.org/cEUm

ASF Infrastructure –our mighty distributed team on three continents keeps the ASF's infrastructure running around the clock.
 - 7M+ weekly checks yield shazam performance at 99.85% uptime http://status.apache.org/

ASF Operations Factoid –this week, 460 Committers changed 1,011,972 lines of code over 2,764 commits. Top 5 contributors, in order, are: Jean-Baptiste Onofré, Jian He, Samarth Jain, Francesco Chicchiriccò, and Claus Ibsen.

Apache Bahir™ –extensions to distributed analytic platforms such as Apache Spark.
 - Apache Bahir 2.2.0 released http://bahir.apache.org

Apache Chemistry™ cmislib –provides Open Source implementations of the Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) specification.
 - Apache Chemistry cmislib 0.6.0 released http://chemistry.apache.org/

Apache Commons™ –Commons CSV reads and writes files in variations of the Comma Separated Value (CSV) format.
 - Apache Commons CSV 1.5 released http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-csv/

Apache Groovy™ –a multi-facet programming language for the JVM.
 - Apache Groovy 2.6.0-alpha-1 released https://groovy.apache.org/

Apache HttpComponents™ Core –HTTP transport library including support for asynchronous execution based on Java NIO.
 - Apache HttpComponents Core 5.0 alpha4 released http://hc.apache.org/httpcomponents-core/

Apache Jackrabbit™ Oak –a scalable, high-performance hierarchical content repository designed for use as the foundation of modern world-class Web sites and other demanding content applications.
 - Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.4.18 and Jackrabbit 2.6.9 released and Jackrabbit 2.4 retired http://jackrabbit.apache.org/

Apache Lucene™ –a high-performance, full-featured text search engine library written entirely in Java.
 - Apache Lucene 6.6.1 and Solr 6.6.1 released https://lucene.apache.org/

Apache MXNet (incubating) –a flexible and efficient library for deep learning.
 - Apache MXNet (incubating) 0.11.0 released http://mxnet.incubator.apache.org/

Apache Olingo™ –a Java library which enables developers to implement OData service providers (server) and consumers (clients).
 - Apache Olingo 4.4.0 released http://olingo.apache.org/

Apache OpenMeetings™ –provides video conferencing, instant messaging, white board, collaborative document editing and other groupware tools using API functions of the Red5 Streaming Server for Remoting and Streaming.
 - Apache OpenMeetings 3.3.1 released http://openmeetings.apache.org

Apache Qpid™ – a messaging library for the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol 1.0 (AMQP 1.0, ISO/IEC 19464, http://www.amqp.org).
 - Apache Qpid Proton-J 0.21.0 released http://qpid.apache.org/

Apache Struts™ –Open Source framework for creating Java Web applications.
 - Apache Struts 2.3.34 and 2.5.13 General Availability with Security Fixes released http://struts.apache.org/

Apache Tomcat™ Native Library –provides portable API for features not found in contemporary JDKs.
 - Apache Tomcat Native 1.2.14 released http://tomcat.apache.org/

Apache Traffic Server™ –a high performance, scalable HTTP Intermediary and proxy cache.
 - Apache Traffic Server v7.1.1 released https://trafficserver.apache.org/

Apache VCL™ –a self-service system used to dynamically provision and broker remote access to a dedicated compute environment for an end-user.
 - Apache VCL 2.5 released http://vcl.apache.org/

Apache Wicket™ –an Open Source Java component oriented Web application framework.
 - Apache Wicket 6.27.1 released http://wicket.apache.org

Did You Know?

 - Did you know that Netflix uses Apache Tinkerpop for storing and querying highly-interconnected data at scale? http://tinkerpop.apache.org/

 - Did you know that The New York Times uses Apache Kafka to store and process every article ever published? http://kafka.apache.org/

 - Did you know that Emirates Reit Real Estate Investment Trust uses Apache Wicket? http://wicket.apache.org/

Apache Community Notices:
 - "Success at Apache" focuses on the processes behind why the ASF "just works". 1) Project Independence https://s.apache.org/CE0V 2) All Carrot and No Stick https://s.apache.org/ykoG 3) Asynchronous Decision Making https://s.apache.org/PMvk4) Rule of the Makers https://s.apache.org/yFgQ 5) JFDI --the unconditional love of contributors https://s.apache.org/4pjM 6) Meritocracy and Me https://s.apache.org/tQQh 7) Learning to Build a Stronger Community https://s.apache.org/x9Be 8) Meritocracy. https://s.apache.org/DiEo 9) Lowering Barriers to Open Innovation https://s.apache.org/dAlg
 - Follow the ASF on social media: @TheASF on Twitter and on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-apache-software-foundation (re-tweets/shares/likes most appreciated!)

 - Presentations from ApacheCon https://s.apache.org/Hli7 and Apache: Big Data https://s.apache.org/tefE are available; as well as videos https://s.apache.org/AE3m and audio recordings https://feathercast.apache.org/

 - Check out the latest Apache Community Development newsletter https://blogs.apache.org/comdev/entry/community-development-news-july-2017

 - Do friend and follow us on the Apache Community Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/ApacheSoftwareFoundation/ and Twitter account https://twitter.com/ApacheCommunity

 - The list of Apache project-related MeetUps can be found at http://apache.org/events/meetups.html

 - TomcatCon will be held 25 September in London https://www.eventbrite.com/e/tomcatcon-london-2017-tickets-36683639754

 - Meet members of the Apache Big Data communities at DataWorks/Hadoop Summit 20-21 September in Sydney https://dataworkssummit.com/

 - The Apache community will be at All Things Open --stop by the ASF booth and say hello! 23-24 October in Raleigh https://allthingsopen.org/

 - Learn about Apache Atlas, AriaTosca (incubating), Hadoop YARN, Kafka, ManifoldCF, Ranger, Spot (incubating), Thrift, and more at Open Source Summit Europe + ELC Europe 2017 23-26 October in Prague https://osseu17.sched.com/

 - Catch the Apache Ignite and Spark communities at the In-Memory Computing Summit 24-25 October in San Francisco https://imcsummit.org/

 - ASF Annual Report is available at https://s.apache.org/FY2017AnnualReport

 - Find out how you can participate with Apache community/projects/activities --opportunities open with Apache HTTP Server, Avro, ComDev (community development), Directory, Incubator, OODT, POI, Polygene, Syncope, Tika, Trafodion, and more! https://helpwanted.apache.org/
 - Are your software solutions Powered by Apache? Download & use our "Powered By" logos http://www.apache.org/foundation/press/kit/#poweredby
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For real-time updates, sign up for Apache-related news by sending mail to announce-subscribe@apache.org and follow @TheASF on Twitter. For a broader spectrum from the Apache community, https://twitter.com/PlanetApache provides an aggregate of Project activities as well as the personal blogs and tweets of select ASF Committers.

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