Support Apache: #GivingTuesdayNow
Support The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) and help the world's largest Open Source foundation continue to provide $20B+ worth of software for the public good at 100% no cost.
Apache projects are helping millions of individuals and businesses struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic in numerous ways, including:
Accessing one’s desktop remotely whilst working from home;
Ordering, warehousing, picking, shipping, dispatching, and tracking critical supplies worldwide;
Classifying and integrating 1.5B+ genetic data records;
Storing, extracting, linking, and processing terabytes of electronic medical records across thousands of servers;
Training large-scale, distributed deep learning libraries over clusters of hospital machines;
Developing machine learning cardiovascular disease prediction models; and
Supporting biobank research and real-time intensive care data analysis.
Your contribution helps ensure The Apache Software Foundation’s 350+ projects and initiatives remain accessible to all, absolutely free of charge. The not-for-profit ASF does not pay for development --all work on Apache projects is done by a volunteer community of more than 7,700+ Committers on six continents.
Donate today at
We thank you for your support during this unprecedented time.
#GivingTuesdayNow is a new global day of giving and unity taking place on 5 May 2020 as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The annual GivingTuesday movement takes place on the first Tuesday following Thanksgiving in the United States, and is the second largest giving day of the year. (1 December 2020).
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