Not able to make it to ApacheCon Europe 2009?
Even if you can't make it to Amsterdam this week, you can still follow along with all of the fun activities regarding ApacheCon.
Follow along on Twitter by searching for '#apachecon'.
Although this was posted earlier on our ApacheCon blog (watch keynotes), we think the following list of free (as in beer, mmm beer!) talks are definitely worth tuning into:
- Wednesday, 8:00 UTC: Jim Jagielski, State
of the Feather - Wednesday, 8:30 UTC: Raghu Ramakrishnan, Data
Management in the Cloud - Wednesday, 12:00 UTC:Lars Eilebrecht, Behind
the Scenes of The Apache Software Foundation - Thursday, 12:00 UTC: Jim Jagielski, Sponsoring
the ASF the Corporate and Individual Level - Thursday, 16:30 UTC: James Governor, Open
sourcing the analyst business... - Friday, 10:30 UTC: Apache Pioneer's Panel, 10
years of The Apache Software Foundation - Friday, 12:00 UTC: J Aaron Farr, The
Apache Way
The following select technical tracks will be available for a fee:
- Wednesday, 9:30-17:00 UTC: Hadoop
Geeks for Geeks track - Thursday, 8:00-16:00 UTC: Tomcat
for Developers and Administrators - Friday, 8:00-16:00 UTC: HTTP
Server Administration