Apache Wicket v6.0.0 Technical Fact Sheet
- Out-of-the box JQuery integration
- Complete control over AJAX requests
- Improved event registration in browsers
- Support for large datasets in components
- Dependency management for client side javascript libraries
- Experimental support for websockets
Java 6 required -This release moves the minimum required Java version to Java 6. This means that Wicket applications running on earlier Java versions meaning to upgrade, also need to upgrade their Java runtime.
AJAX Attributes - With the new and improved AJAX implementation, you can alter any aspect of an AJAX request through AjaxRequestAttributes. For example you can specify that the request should be executed using POST instead of GET, or that the AJAX request should be multi-part, etc. See the migration guide or the JavaDoc of AjaxRequestAttributes for all possible options.
Browser event registration replaces inline events - Wicket now uses JavaScript event registration instead of inline attributes for AJAX components. This enables multiple event listeners to be attached to a markup tag, cleans up the rendered markup considerably and reduces the amount of generated markup.
IDataProvider now uses long instead of int - The IDataProvider
${label} replaces ${input} in feedback messages - Previous Wicket versions used the input that was provided by users in error messages when validations failed. This led to error messages like "1234a is not a valid number". In Wicket 6 the feedback messages use the label of the invalid form component instead. You can set the label by calling setLabel() on the form
Resources can declare dependencies - It is now much easier to create resource contributions with dependencies, for example a JQuery plugin can declare a dependency on JQuery and other resources such as embedded style sheets. Users of such resources don’t have to provide these dependencies themselves, and the dependencies are linked in the appropriate order.
OSGi compatible packaging - Wicket's packaging has been made compatible with OSGi bundles by moving some classes to different packages. The full list can be found in our migration guide. This makes it much easier to deploy Wicket applications in an OSGi environment.
The complete set of changes is available in the migration guide at http://s.apache.org/wicket-6.0-migration
Availability and Oversight
As with all Apache products, Apache Wicket v6.0.0 is released under the Apache License v2.0, and is overseen by a self-selected team of active contributors to the project. A Project Management Committee (PMC) guides the Project's day-to-day operations, including community development and product releases. Apache Wicket source code, documentation, and related resources are available at http://wicket.apache.org/
"Apache", "Wicket", "Apache Wicket", and "ApacheCon" are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. All other brands and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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