Apache Month in Review: September 2021
Welcome to the latest monthly overview of events from the Apache community. Here's a summary of what happened in September [video highlights available] :
New this month --
- Success at Apache - This series focuses on the people and processes behind why the ASF "just works." The most recent entry is "From Mentee to PMC" by Ephraim Anierobi.
- The Apache Drill Project Announces Apache® DrillTM v1.19 Milestone Release
- Apache Ranger response to incorrect analyst report on Cloud data security
- Apache Month in Review: August 2021
Important Dates --
- Next Board Meeting: 20 October 2021. Board calendar and minutes http://apache.org/foundation/board/calendar.html
Infrastructure --
Committer Activity --
In September, 692 Apache Committers changed 31,529,765 lines of code over 13,104 commits. The Committers with the top 5 highest contributions, in order, were: Mark Thomas, Andrea Cosentino, Andi Huber, Harikrishna Patnala, and Daniel Gruno.
Project Releases and Updates --
New releases from Apache Airflow (Big Data); Any23 (Content); APISIX (API); Camel (Integration); Commons DBCP (Libraries); Commons RNG (Libraries); DolphinScheduler (Workflow); Drill (Big Data); Druid (Big Data); Geode (Database); Geronimo (Application Servers); Groovy (Programming Languages); HttpComponents (Servers); Hudi (Big Data); Ignite (Big Data); IoTDB (IoT); Jackrabbit (Content); jclouds (Cloud); Jena (Libraries); Kafka (Big Data); Karaf (Application Servers/Middleware); Log4j (Libraries); NetBeans (Integrated Development Environment); PDFBox (Content); Pulsar (Messaging); Qpid (Messaging); Shiro (Security Framework); Skywalking (Application Performance Management); Solr (Search); Tika (Big Data); Tomcat (Servers); Wicket (Web Frameworks); Zeppelin (Big Data).
Apache Project Anniversaries in September: ServiceMix (14 years); Hive, Pig, and Shiro (11 years); Airavata,
Bigtop, and SIS (9 years); Curator (8 years); Storm (7 years); Yetus (6
years); RocketMQ and Royale (4 years); Pulsar (3 years); Rya (2 years);
IoTDB (1 year). Many happy returns!
The Apache Incubator is the primary entry path for projects wishing to become an official part of the ASF. More than three dozen projects are currently undergoing development in the Apache Incubator; new to the Incubator this month is Apache Linkis (computation middleware).
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