Welcome to the Apache CouchDB weekly news! From today on, we’ll bring you the highlights of what happened in the CouchDB Universe each thursday.

Major Discussions

BigCouch vs. Couchbase

A comparison between the two, around conflict solving, revision docs, nodes, replicas and hashing. Find the thread here.

Healthcare projects running on CouchDB

Albin Stigö asked for healthcare companies / projects using CouchDB. In the thread, a collection of examples and reasons why this is a good fit was discussed. CouchDB works well in healthcare due to its relative ease of configuration and deployment, easy synchronization, backups, attachment-handling and notifications and mobile-readiness. Some examples of projects / companies using CouchDB: CommCare HQ, Mobius, Neurofoundation. Find his summary and the entire thread here.

Weekly CouchDB meeting – summary

  • 1.6.rc-2: discussion around blocker; will be collated and sent to the mailing list
  • Marketing: there'll be a weekly CouchDB news (which you are currently reading)
  • Fauxton - status: Futon will be removed as soon as Fauxton-implementation is done; following release will be marked as beta
  • Merges: discussion around BigCouch and rcouch merges will also be collated and sent to the mailing list

CouchDB Universe


… and also in the news

Posted on behalf of Lena Reinhard.