CouchDB Weekly News, March 27
Welcome to the Apache CouchDB weekly news! From today on, we’ll bring you the highlights of what happened in the CouchDB Universe each thursday.
Major Discussions
BigCouch vs. Couchbase
A comparison between the two, around conflict solving, revision docs, nodes, replicas and hashing. Find the thread here.
Healthcare projects running on CouchDB
Albin Stigö asked for healthcare companies / projects using CouchDB. In the thread, a collection of examples and reasons why this is a good fit was discussed. CouchDB works well in healthcare due to its relative ease of configuration and deployment, easy synchronization, backups, attachment-handling and notifications and mobile-readiness. Some examples of projects / companies using CouchDB: CommCare HQ, Mobius, Neurofoundation. Find his summary and the entire thread here.
Weekly CouchDB meeting – summary
- 1.6.rc-2: discussion around blocker; will be collated and sent to the mailing list
- Marketing: there'll be a weekly CouchDB news (which you are currently reading)
- Fauxton - status: Futon will be removed as soon as Fauxton-implementation is done; following release will be marked as beta
- Merges: discussion around BigCouch and rcouch merges will also be collated and sent to the mailing list
CouchDB Universe
- node-couchdb-model - a simple CouchDB abstraction for NodeJS built on nano
- On recent npm downtime and npm did to make things better: "New Powerful Machines"
- npm's search got better
- CouchDB-tools: a library of handy functions for use when working with CouchDB documents.
- PouchDB's replication just got a whole lot faster
- econfig version 0.4.2, a simple EErlang config handler using INI files, has been released
- cloudant 0.5.8 – an effortless Cloudant / CouchDB interface for Python
- Couchbase Lite 1.0 beta 3, a CouchDB-compatible embedded mobile database
- On CouchDB as event store
- CouchDB progresses as IBM acquires Cloudant
- 10 common misconceptions about Apache CouchDB
- A presentation on the state of PouchDB
… and also in the news
- "Relying on laws to keep your private information safe is like relying on a dog to guard a plate of bacon." – Stop Thinking the Government Can Fix Privacy
- "Why your previous developer was terrible; and why your current one seems so amazing"
Posted on behalf of Lena Reinhard.