Weekly CouchDB meeting – summary

  • 1.6.0 release status: the vote had passed last week, binaries for Mac and Windows are ready for testing. The release will be very soon, stay tuned!
  • BigCouch merge: significant process has been made; testing is highly important now. We want to encourage everyone to help with testing COUCHDB-1843 branch, especially :5984 API iface. Info: to run the bigcouch from merge branch: clone couchdb.git, checkout 1843-feature-bigcouch, ./configure && make && dev/run. Please report any errors you find during testing on dev@ Mailing list or on IRC #couchdb-dev.
  • Bylaws, Code of Conduct and Diversity Statement: all PMC members are asked for reviewing and commenting the Bylaws and the Code of Conduct and Diversity Statement. A thread about approval models and vetoes will be started on the mailing list.

Releases in the CouchDB Universe


Use Cases, Questions and Answers

no public answer yet:

For more new questions about CouchDB, see these search results.

Get involved!

If you want to get into working on CouchDB:

  • We have an infinite number of open contributor positions on CouchDB. Submit a pull request and join the project!
  • Here's a list of beginner tickets around our currently ongoing Fauxton-implementation. If you have any questions or need help, don't hesitate to contact us in the couchdb-dev IRC room (#couchdb-dev) – Garren (garren) and Sue (deathbear) are happy to help.

We'd be happy to have you!


Job opportunities for people with CouchDB skills

… and also in the news

Posted on behalf of Lena Reinhard.