Community Edition explores key Open Source applications and issues,
from Big Data and Smart Search to Cloud and Infrastructure.

Hill, MD –21 September 2012– The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), the
all-volunteer developers, stewards, and incubators of nearly 150 Open
Source projects and initiatives, today announced the program for
ApacheCon, its official conference.

Apache products power
half the Internet, petabytes of data, teraflops of operations, billions
of objects, and enhance the lives of countless users and developers.
ApacheCon brings developers and users together to explore key issues in
building Open Source solutions "The Apache Way".

returns to Europe 5-8 November 2012 at the Rhein-Neckar-Arena in
Sinsheim, Germany, attracting Open Source users, developers,
gurus, students, novices, and enthusiasts to the newly-introduced
"Community Edition" of ApacheCon --a smaller, less formal event aimed at
a more technically-oriented audience, and featuring an array of
sessions focused on Apache projects and initiatives, plus MeetUps,
FastFeather and Community Tracks, Hackathon, and BarCamp. This is an
ideal opportunity for technologists currently developing Apache-based
solutions, as well as those interested in committing code to an Apache
project, contributing to the Apache Incubator, or enhancing their Open
Source products and community practices.

ApacheCon Europe
Community Edition is organized and run by the Apache community with
assistance from The Open Bastion, producers of ApacheCon North America
2013. In keeping with the community-driven culture of the ASF, all
content for ApacheCon has been selected by Apache Project Management
Committees. Sessions and speakers across 13 tracks include:

–-the tools, frameworks, and components used on a daily basis,
such as Apache Logging, Apache Maven, Apache Ant, Apache Buildr, Apache
Commons, and more.
•    World of Logging - Christian Grobmeier
•    Unit- and Integration Testing with Maven - Karl-Heinz Marbaise
•    Faster builds with Apache Buildr - Tammo van Lessen

–-all about Java Enterprise projects at the ASF, including Apache
OpenWebBeans, Apache OpenEJB, Apache TomEE, Apache Tomcat, Apache
MyFaces, Apache DeltaSpike, Apache BVal, and Apache OpenJPA.
•    Apache TomEE, Java EE 6 Web Profile on Tomcat - David Blevins
•    Tomcat 8 preview - Mark Thomas
•    Modern Web Application Development With Apache Struts 2 - Rene Gielen

[sponsored by Hortonworks] –-the ASF projects at the forefront of
high-volume performance, innovation, and analytics, such as Apache
Cassandra, Apache Hadoop, Apache HBase, Apache Hive, Apache Kafka,
Apache Mahout, Apache Pig, Apache Whirr, Apache ZooKeeper and friends.
•    Choosing the right tool for your data analysis task - Apache Mahout in context - Isabel Drost-Fromm
•    From Incubation to Continuous Ingestion - The Story of Apache Gora - Lewis John McGibbney
•    Taking the guesswork out of your Hadoop Infrastructure - Steve Watt

Camel in Action –-common problems, solutions, and best practices with Apache Camel.
•    Apollo and future of ActiveMQ - Dejan Bosanac
•    Apache Camel - Advanced Techniques - Hadrian Zbarcea
•    Next Generation Systems Integration in the Cloud Era with Apache Camel - Kai Wähner

[sponsored by Citrix and HP] –-many Apache initiatives play a key role
in powering today's Cloud, from Apache Libcloud and Deltacloud, to
Apache Whirr, Accumulo, and Cloudstack, to Apache Hadoop + friends.
•    Integrating Social Apps with Content Driven Sites using Apache Rave and Spring HMVC - Ate Douma
•    Apache CloudStack Scalability - Kevin Kluge
•    Building a scalable multi-tenant Application Server on the Cloud using Tomcat, Axis2 & Synapse - Senaka Fernando

–-if you've ever wanted to know how to become involved with the ASF
--from becoming a Committer to bringing a project to the Apache
Incubator to learning how the ASF works-- or are seeking information on
how Open Source can benefit your organization or ways to improve your
Open Source community experience, this is the place to roll up sleeves
and get started.
•    Open Source Masterclass - Life in the Apache Incubator - Jukka Zitting
•    Bringing Open Source to Space: Challenges and Success - Luc Maisonobe
•    Can I depend on Software built By Volunteers? - Ross Gardler

–-adopting, linking, and interoperating the Web of Data using the
latest in annotating, processing, extracting, reasoning, and semantics
with Apache Jena, Apache Any23 (Incubating), Apache Clerezza
(Incubating), and Apache Stanbol (Incubating).
•    Solr-based search & tagging services at ZEIT Online GmbH - where metadata come from - Christoph Goller
•    Publishing Linked Data - Lessons Learned in Government - Nandana Mihindukulasooriya
•    Writing a Semantic Web with Scala on Clerezza - Reto Bachmann-Gmür

and Friends
[co-located with Lucene Eurocon; sponsored by LucidWorks]
–-the latest in search and analytics with Apache Lucene/Solr, Apache
Tika, Apache ManifoldCF and more.
•    Personalized Search on the Largest Flash Sale Site in America - Adrian Trenaman
•    ElasticSearch in Production: lessons learned - Anne Veling
•    Stump The Chump: On The Spot Solutions To Your Real Life Solr/Lucene Challenges - Chris Hostetter

–-developing and deploying applications in public and private
Cloud environments using Apache Felix, Apache ACE, Apache Karaf, Apache
Aries, Apache Sling.
•    OSGi for mere mortals - Bertrand Delacretaz
•    OSGi best practices shown on Apache Karaf - Christian Schneider
•    OSGi in the Cloud, a case study - Marcel Offermans

–-use cases and latest developments in dovetailing Big Data
with Apache Cassandra, Apache HBase, Apache CouchDB, Apache Accumulo,
and more.
•    The CouchDB Ecosystem - Jan Lehnardt
•    Mongo, its all the Rave - Matt Franklin
•    Cassandra 2012: What's New and Upcoming - Sam Tunnicliffe

–-the ins and outs of Apache OFBiz (Open For Business), the Open Source
Enterprise Resource Planning suite of applications that integrate and
automate many business processes, including catalogue management,
eCommerce, CRM, warehousing, manufacturing, project management, HR
functionality, FiCo, and more.
•    Training Center Management with OFBiz - Olivier Heintz
•    OFBiz CRM, presentation, functionalities - Olivier Heintz
•    OFBiz - an eCommerce Solution for mid- to large-sized companies - Paul Piper

[sponsored by Oracle] –-the Apache OpenOffice ecosystem, with dedicated
hackathons, MeetUps, and evening sessions, as well as use cases, and
technical sessions on Writer, Calc, Impress, Math, Base, and Draw.
•    Beyond Apache OpenOffice - Don Harbison
•    Cloud Apache Based on HTML 5 - Jian Hong Cheng
•    Globalization of OpenOffice - reach out to the world - Juergen Schmidt

Web Infrastructure –-the backbone of the Web, including Apache HTTP Server, Apache Tomcat, Apache Traffic Server, and more.
•    Performance: Scaling the Web with Apache - Igor Galić
•    Building WebSockets Applications using Tomcat, Wicket and the Atmosphere Framework - Jean-Francois Arcand
•    What's new in Apache HTTP Server 2.4 - Rich Bowen

The full presentation list is available at

Registration and Special Savings
by 1 October 2012 to take advantage of Early Bird rates with savings up
to €150. Students benefit with a super-discounted registration rate of
€75, made possible by a special subsidy from Google. Sign up today at

Europe is underwritten through a generous donation by Platinum Sponsor
SAP. Joining them are Citrix, Google, Hortonworks, and LucidWorks at the
Gold level; HP and Oracle at the Silver level; and evening events
sponsor The Open Bastion. For sponsorship information, contact Melissa
Warnkin at or on +1 908 343 3214.

For media/analyst registration and briefings, contact Sally Khudairi on +1 617 921 8656 or

About The Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
in 1999, the all-volunteer Foundation oversees nearly one hundred fifty
leading Open Source projects, including Apache HTTP Server — the
world's most popular Web server software. Through the ASF's meritocratic
process known as "The Apache Way", more than 400 individual Members and
3,500 Committers successfully collaborate to develop freely available
enterprise-grade software, benefiting millions of users worldwide:
thousands of software solutions are distributed under the Apache
License; and the community actively participates in ASF mailing lists,
mentoring initiatives, and ApacheCon, the Foundation's official user
conference, trainings, and expo. The ASF is a US 501(3)© not-for-profit
charity, funded by individual donations and corporate sponsors including
AMD, Basis Technology, Citrix, Cloudera, Facebook, Go Daddy, Google,
HP, Hortonworks, Huawei, IBM, InMotion Hosting, Matt Mullenweg,
Microsoft, PSW Group, SpringSource/VMware, WANdisco, and Yahoo!. For more information, visit or follow @TheASF on Twitter.

"Apache Accumulo", "Apache ACE", "Apache ActiveMQ", "Apache Ant",
"Apache Any23", "Apache Aries", "Apache Axis2", "Apache Buildr", "Apache
BVal", "Apache Camel", "Apache Cassandra", "Apache Cloudstack", "Apache
Clerezza", "Apache Commons", "Apache CouchDB", "Apache Deltacloud",
"Apache DeltaSpike", "Apache Felix", "Apache Gora", "Apache Hadoop",
"Apache HBase", "Apache Hive", "Apache HTTP Server", "Apache Incubator",
"Apache Jena", "Apache Kafka", "Apache Karaf", "Apache Libcloud",
"Apache Logging", "Apache Lucene", "Apache Mahout", "Apache ManifoldCF",
"Apache Maven", "Apache MyFaces", "Apache OFBiz", "Apache OpenOffice",
"Apache OpenEJB", "Apache OpenJPA", "Apache OpenWebBeans", "Apache Pig",
"Apache Rave", "Apache Sling", "Apache Solr", "Apache Stanbol", "Apache
Struts", "Apache Synapse", "Apache Tika", "Apache Tomcat", "Apache
TomEE", "Apache Traffic Server", "Apache Whirr", "Apache Wicket",
"Apache ZooKeeper", and "ApacheCon" are trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation. All other brands and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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