Community Development News - June 2018
Welcome to our monthly blog update about what is happening in Apache Community Development (ComDev)!
This month we have news about the Apache EU Roadshow and FOSS Backstage conferences in Berlin, we talk about our participation at the OpenExpo Europe, we interview speakers, attendees and Board members for FeatherCast and we prepare for participation in even more conferences.
Apache EU Roadshow
This month our Apache EU Roadshow was held in Berlin. Our Apache Lounge was very popular as an informal meetup space to sit, relax, hack or generally catch up. As well as stickers our special giveaway item was ice cream which went down very well with attendees. For those who attended, we hope that you enjoyed the event. A huge thank you to all the speakers who participated at the EU Roadshow and also all the volunteers who gave up their time to make it happen.
Photos from the Roadshow and FOSS Backstage can be found at the following links:
Two of the roadshow tracks were recorded (Cloud, Http/Microservices) and are available on the Apache EU Roadshow Playlist on the ASF Youtube Channel.
You can find all the videos from the Apache EU Roadshow at the link below:
If you have any feedback that you think could help us make our next event even better then please feel free to contact us.
FOSS Backstage
We also had a lot of Apache participation at FOSS Backstage. Their focus on governance, community and the legal aspects of open source is very relevant to the ASF. There were a wide range of interesting talks, discussions and workshops and you can find the videos at the link below:
We look forward to future events where we hopefully can continue to participate.
FeatherCast Interviews
FeatherCast is the ASF podcast channel and we usually try to do interviews with speakers or attendees at events. The Apache EU Roadshow and FOSS Backstage were great places for finding interviewees. Instead of an audio recording, this time thanks to Rich Bowen, we also have video interviews. The first two interviews have already been published and you can find them at the links below:
These short interviews give a brief overview about the project and its community. So if you want to know a little more about either of these project then watch the interviews!
As well as interviews with conference attendees and speakers, we have started a short series of interviews called 'Board Conversations' where members of the Board of Directors for the Apache Software Foundation talk about their role.
- What does Membership at The Apache Software Foundation mean?
- What Does the Apache Board of Directors Do?
We are always looking for new people to talk to and interview so if you are interested in doing a FeatherCast interview about your project or your involvement with Apache then please contact us.
OpenExpo Europe Madrid
This year we participated again at the Building software and communities the Apache Way
You can read more details about the event, venue, and the different talks that took place in this great blog post by Piergiorgio Lucidi.
Thanks very much to everyone who helped support our participation and involvement in this event!
Apache Booth at OSCON 2018
We have been given a free booth at OSCON 2018 so we will have volunteers there giving away stickers, swag and ready to talk to attendees about the ASF. We also have a few presentations being given by Apache contributors such as the following:
- Jim Jagielski will be participating in a discussion about Innersource
- Myrle Krantz will be talking about Financial Inclusion
- Daniel Ruggeri will be talking about companies contributing to Open Source
If you are attending the please feel free to drop by our to booth to chat with any of our volunteers.
Codemotion Events - Europe
We have been invited to participate in three Codemotion events later this year in Berlin, Milan and Madrid. We are looking for speakers and volunteers to help out by talking to people about being involved in Apache. The Call for Papers (CFP) for each event closes in July so please don't delay if you would like to submit a speaking proposal.
If you are interested in helping out at the Apache booth then please respond at the following mailing list thread.
Thanks very much to Piergiorgio Lucidi for suggesting and helping follow up on Apache participation at Codemotion.
Contacting Community Development
Remember that we are always happy to get your feedback and comments so please feel free to contact us, follow our events and participate in our discussions on our mailing list. If you would like to be kept up to date with all the latest news about what is happening in Community Development then please subscribe to our mailing list by sending an email to dev-subscribe AT community DOT apache DOT org.