Apache CarbonData 1.1.0 be released on 15th May, 2017
The Apache CarbonData PMC team is happy to announce the release of Apache CarbonData version 1.1.0.
The key features of this release are highlighted as below.
- Introduced new data format called V3 to improve scan performance (~20 to 50%).
- Alter table support in carbondata. (for Spark 2.1)
- Supported Batch Sort to improve data loading performance.
- Improved Single pass load by upgrading to latest netty framework and launched dictionary client for each loading
- Supported range filters to combine the between filters to one filter to improve the filter performance.
- Many improvements done on large cluster especially in query processing.
- More than 160 bugs and many improvements done in this release.
The release notes is available at:
You can follow this document to use these artifacts:
You can find the latest CarbonData document and learn more at: http://carbondata.apache.o
The Apache CarbonData team