Apache OpenOffice in Apache Asia Road Show Beijing 2012 at December 13

Apache Asia Road Show Beijing 2012 will be held at December 13, and Apache OpenOffice will deliver a session in the conference. In the Apache OpenOffice session, Peter Junge, Apache OpenOffice PMC member, will give a speech to introduce Apache OpenOffice, its history and way in Apache. And other contributors in Beijing will also give their speech to share the best practice of contributing to the open source community, as well as building enterprise business and Cloud/Social solution on top of Apache OpenOffice.

Please visit the Apache Asia Road Show Beijing 2012 website and register: http://apacheasiaroadshow04.eventbrite.com . We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Apache OpenOffice将在12月13日Apache Asia Road Show Beijing 2012大会上介绍其发展及解决方案

Apache Asia Road Show Beijing 2012将于12月13日在北京中关村软件园举行。届时Apache OpenOffice将在大会上介绍其发展及相关解决方案。 在论坛上,Apache OpenOffice项目管理委员会成员Peter Junge将首先介绍Apache OpenOffice及其历史和发展方向。其他在北京的Apache OpenOffice志愿者也会分享在Apache OpenOffice开源社区做贡献的经验,以及如何基于Apache OpenOffice开发企业应用和云计算及社交解决方案。

欢迎大家到Apache Asia Road Show Beijing 2012网站注册: http://apacheasiaroadshow04.eventbrite.com!让我们共同关注Apache OpenOffice,共同推动开源社区的发展!